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Living in Community (July 8 Devotional)

Scripture Meditation

Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.”

Genesis 2:18

Today’s Thought

It’s easy to isolate yourself these days. With the connectedness of the internet, DoorDash, Amazon, and curbside pickups, it’s possible to go days with the briefest of human interaction. For many who say they aren't people persons, this may seem like paradise, but it's a false one. From the very beginning, God created us to live in community with each other, whether through family, friendships, marriages, or anything else.

Sure, it's difficult to be around people sometimes. We're all human. We mess up. A lot. However, there is a connectedness and sense of inner fulfillment that can’t be replicated electronically. We were never meant to do this alone.


Lord, give me a community to be a part of. Motivate me to step out of my comfort and find deeper connections with those around me.

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