Ours Sins Affect Others

They had done it. It was a miracle. A miracle no one had seen before. All they did was march around the city walls for seven days. On the seventh day, they circled seven times and then blew their trumpets. The walls fell, and the city was theirs. 

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Cleaning Out Your Camp: Reconnecting with God

In the book of Joshua, the Israelites begin to move into the Promised Land to receive what God promised to Abraham hundred of years earlier. They start their conquest with an impressive victory at Jericho, where God brings down the walls of one of the most heavily fortified cities around. After Jericho, they set their sights on to the city of Ai, a much smaller city that should have been an easy victory. However, the people of Ai hold strong and send the Israelites into a retreat, losing 36 of their men in the process.

What gives? Why did God abandon them?

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