12 Most Influential Albums of My Life (Part 2)

Last week, I detailed some of the albums that have had a large impact on my life. This week, I finish up the list with some of my all-time favorites.

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12 Most Influential Albums of My Life (Part 1)

Music has had a tremendous influence on me throughout my years. While there is a multitude of albums that I have loved, a handful stand out as significant points in my life and have influenced some aspect of me. In this two-part blog, I’m taking a look at some of the most influential albums that I’ve come across.

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A Response to Persepolis

I recently read through the graphic novel Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi. The book is a coming-of-age novel about an Iranian girl growing up in the midst of war and revolution.

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Covid's Effect on my Writing

After the school shut down, things changed. Everything slowed down, and school wasn't as chaotic for me.

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Invictus: We Can Overcome

I think this is something that most people can really connect to. Life is tough and it beats us down, but we are able to continue forward, sometimes struggling just to move an inch but nevertheless moving forward.

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Building Strong Foundations

The problem a lot of people have when they draw is that they try to start with all the details. They want it to look good right away, so they don't take time to lay the foundational shapes and forms to create the right structure and right proportions.

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Anyone Can Draw

The problem is that a lot of people simply think they can't draw. The myth out there says drawing, or any creative field, really, is an inherent talent that people are born with.

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Boredom and Creativity: Finding New Meaning and Purpose

During this shelter-in-place, stay-at-home quarantine, many people are bored. We can't change our circumstances, but we can change ourselves and our outlook. Maybe you're struggling for purpose and identity right now. Maybe not being at your job or not being at school has left you feeling bored, purposeless, and aimless.

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4 Reasons You Should Read (or Re-read) X-Men: Age of Apocalypse

X-Men has long been my favorite Marvel franchise. It probably stems back to my days of watching the animated cartoon on Saturday mornings. Like Darth Vader to Star Wars and Thanos to the MCU, Apocalypse has been such an iconic villain in the X-Men world that the idea of the Age of Apocalypse (AoA) arc instantly drew me in.

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Return (from The Green Vial)

“You were all being manipulated,” I mutter.

Only a few close to me hear, but I’ve got their attention. Word spreads through the crowd, and, one-by-one, each person’s attention focuses on me.

“You were all being manipulated,” I say again, this time with more power and confidence. “You were being controlled by John Malcolm.”

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Mind Trap (from The Green Vial)

“You’re learning,” John says. “But no matter. We’ll be done with this soon.”

He rushes at me, and we’re both exchanging blows. I push him back, and suddenly he’s swinging a baseball bat at me. I instinctively raise my arm to shield my face and feel pain shoot up my arm as the bat connects with my forearm.

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John Malcolm (from The Green Vial)

“What’s going on?” I ask.

“I don’t know. I’ve never seen anything like this happen.”

An eerie silence falls over the parking lot. I feel a light breeze on my face, like a light wind meandering through a forest. I poke one of the people standing near me, and he doesn’t budge. It’s like they’ve all frozen in place.

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MacIntosh Pharmaceuticals (from The Green Vial)

I feel like I’m seeing the world through new lenses. Everything seems more clear than before. The haze is gone, but, most importantly, my mind feels free.

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Release (from The Green Vial)

I’m waiting for Di to point the gun at me and pull the trigger again, but she doesn’t.

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Ruby (from The Green Vial)

By the time I reach my apartment, the rain has mostly stopped, and the sun is even peaking out from behind the clouds.

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Hive Mind (from The Green Vial)

“What is going on?” I demand as we speed through the streets.

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Help (from The Green Vial)

I duck into an alleyway between two buildings and pause behind a dumpster. My hands are trembling violently, and I can’t stop the shaking.

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The Gold SUV (from The Green Vial)

The glass door to the building slides open, and I hear the sound of rushing water.

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CT Scan (from The Green Vial)

I’m sitting in this armchair in the doctor’s office that’s comfortable enough to make you think they care but uncomfortable enough to show that they don’t care that much.

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The Headaches (from The Green Vial)

Wake up, Ben.


Wake up, Ben.

The apartment slowly comes into focus. I can hear rain beating outside, but it sounds muffled, like I’m hearing it through a pillow wrapped around my head.

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