Why Am I So Weak?

Have you ever wondered why humans are so weak? I’m speaking of physical weakness. Think about it. Anything we can do, there is some animal out there that can naturally do it better.

Usain Bolt could never run faster than a cheetah. Michael Phelps could never swim faster than a great white. Mike Tyson could never punch with as much force as a mantis shrimp (look them up; they’re amazing). Bruce Lee could never kick with as much force as a kangaroo. The Rock could never best a silver-back gorilla in a wrestling match.

So how did such a mediocre creature end up on the top of the food chain?

Creativity. Ingenuity. Intelligence. Problem-solving. Whatever you want to call it.

In reality, the book of Genesis gives the answer. When God creates man in Genesis 1:26, he says, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” The secret is that we have God’s image, God’s likeness, God’s DNA, embedded into the core of our being.

We get to be like God. We were given the ability to commune with him. And yet there is another problem.

Humans aren’t just physically weak; we’re spiritually weak. We’re broken. We’re fallen. We’re prideful. We try so hard to do everything ourselves, like we don’t need God’s help. And in truth, a lot of us in America don’t NEED God. Not for our physical needs, at least.

We forget, though, that we have spiritual needs. Needs that can’t be met by our own devices.

Why are we weak? We’re weak because we are human. We’re human because that’s the way God created us. God created us that way because He wants us to understand that we can’t do it alone.

We were not meant to be isolated creatures, much as some of us may want to disagree. We were meant to live in community with each other. We were made to live in community with God.

And the wonderful part is, He always waiting for us.
