Help (from The Green Vial)

The story continues. If you missed any of it, start here.

I duck into an alleyway between two buildings and pause behind a dumpster. My hands are trembling violently, and I can’t stop the shaking. A feeling of nausea sweeps over me. Why are men trying to kill me? It makes no sense. I’m a nice guy. I don’t cause trouble.

I grip my head in my hands trying to will memories into existence. What’s happening to me? What happened two days ago?

Boots splash in puddles, and another wave of nausea overtakes me. I lean over, unable to hold it in any longer. Nothing comes out because my stomach is empty. Just a wrenching feeling in my stomach and a retching sound escaping my mouth, leaving the taste of bile behind.

The boots approach, and I know I’m dead. My only possible hope is the element of surprise. I took self defense classes, but that was so long ago. I don’t know how much I can remember, but hopefully instincts will take over.

One of the men, Smiles, walks by and doesn’t see me immediately. Now’s my chance. I pull back and launch the hardest punch I can muster at the back of his head. I hit nothing but air as he ducks, throwing me off balance. How did he know I was coming?

I nearly fall on my face, but Smiles’ fist in my gut keeps me upright. Another retching sound escapes my mouth.

I double over and then feel a double fist hammer down on my back, sending me to my knees. Is this my final moment? Is this how everything ends for me? I want to spend my last moments with Ruby. I didn’t even get a chance to tell her goodbye.

Another surge of adrenaline kicks in as Smiles bends over to grab me. I throw my head up quickly, catching him in the chin. My vision whites out momentarily, and the world is spinning, but I manage to keep myself in check. I drive my shoulder into his knee, causing it to buckle under his immense weight.

I run, still dizzy, away from Smiles and his partner. Splashing through the alley, I exit and round the corner to my left. Immediately, I see headlights careening my way. I shield my face with my arms, embracing for impact, but it never comes. The black sedan swerves around me and sideswipes the two men as they emerge from the alleyway.

I can’t move. Immobilized by fear, all I can do is stare at the aftermath. Two men lying unconscious, the rain beating down on them in fury.

Reverse lights brighten, and the car wheels spin on the wet concrete. The car backs up to me and the tinted window slides down. A woman sits in the driver’s seat, her dark skin allowing her to blend into the dark interior. She’s looking at me with stoic brown eyes.

“Get in” is all she says.

I’m trying to catch my breath and slow my racing heartbeat. I’m looking back and forth between the two men and this random woman. I’m drenched to my skin. Water streams down my face and off my chin.

“What are you doing? Get in the car.”

Instinct takes over, and I reach for the door handle and open the door. Falling into the passenger seat, I slam the door shut and feel the car surge underneath me. I’m falling all over the car, trying to grab the seatbelt, as the woman takes corners at top speed.

I’m worried that I made the wrong decision.

Continue reading here.
