Is Anything Too Hard for the Lord?

Genesis 18 tells an interesting story of God coming down to visit Abraham. While Abraham’s hanging out on his front porch one day, three men show up at his doorstep. Abraham invites them to stay and have a meal with him. As they share the meal, the Lord tells Abraham that by this same time next year, his wife Sarah will have a son. This is great news because Abraham and Sarah have been trying to have a child for a long time now. So long, actually, that Sarah’s childbearing years have passed by her.

Sarah, hearing the news that she would bear a child after her ability to do so has passed, laughs. It makes sense, right? This would only be the natural response. She can’t have children anymore, so it’s a funny joke.

But then, God throws a new little wrinkle at Abraham and Sarah. In verse 14, he simply says, “Is anything too hard for the Lord?”

It’s only human to react like Sarah. I imagine any of the rest of us would have reacted in a similar fashion. We’re very limited in our human experience to be able to see the higher things in life. We can only do so much.

The problem, though, is that we put those same limits on God. When God tells use He’s going to something, we laugh. That’s impossible. It doesn’t follow the laws of physics. That’s not how things work. Any number of other excuses.

True. But God wrote those laws. He can step outside of those laws and do whatever He wants. Just like an author can step into a story and change the way things work.

The problem is simple, and the solution is simple. We put limits on God because we try to bind him with human experience. Hard as it is, the simple solution is to stop doing that. Have a little faith.

How might you be limiting God’s ability to do great things in your life? If you’re struggling, and He’s trying to do something that seems crazy, just let Him.
