Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

A week ago today, my grandfather passed away. There are a lot of great stories that have come to mind over the last several days, but my wife reminded me of a particularly poignant memory that I completely forgot about.

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Joy Comes in the Morning

This year has been hard on all of us in a variety of ways. We've all dealt with hardships, whether it's sickness, loss, isolation, or any number of things. It doesn’t have to end there, though.

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Leaving a Legacy

I learned a lot from Doc, and not just information about the ancient world and the Old Testament. He taught me a lot about life.

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A Response to Crisis

When we get into our cars, we put on our seatbelts. When we get sick, we take medicine.

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3 Tips for Meditating Effectively

For a little over a year, now, I’ve engaged in the practice of meditation, which has helped out a lot. Meditation is a practice that has somewhat been lost in our fast-paced modern culture, but it's making a bit of a comeback. I think a lot of people are starting to realize the importance of slowing down.

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The Power of Community

I’ve always been interested in the power of community. When I was in college, I met a group of guys who became some of the closest people that have ever known.

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Sometimes we get into ruts in life where we get into routines and things kind of halt. They get a little stagnant.

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The Wonder of Exploration

My daughter loves exploring. Many days you can find her outside in the woods behind our house wandering through the trees and enjoying everything around her. Fallen branches become any number of things.

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Our Circumstances Do Not Define Us

The Rise of Skywalker has certainly been a polarizing movie possibly even more so than The Last Jedi. I, for one, enjoyed the film, but I’m also not a hardcore purist when it comes to Star Wars. I thought it brought some nice closure to the trilogy. One of the things that I really loved about it, something that spanned through all three of the movies, is the idea that we can become more than the circumstances we’ve been given. We are not tied down to fate.

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The Necessity of Rest

I thought this would help me get ahead and hit the ground running when August came. I would already have everything ready, and the year would start off really great. I was wrong. School was good, but I was not.

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Working through the Silence (A Christmas Reflection)

It seems that no matter how hard I try, I always end up in times of silence. It's like my brain knows what to do, but none of it really connects to the rest of my body. I work hard to connect to God, but it all feels empty and pointless. It doesn’t seem like He’s there because I don’t get any responses.

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What does it mean to live in abundance?

The Bible is very clear that God wants us to have abundant life, but what does that mean?

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A Lesson in Patience

We live in a very impatient society. With free two-day shipping and instant streaming, we have a hard time waiting for anything. If there’s anything that knows a thing about waiting, it was Joseph.

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Is Anything Too Hard for the Lord?

Genesis 18 tells an interesting story of God coming down to visit Abraham. While Abraham’s hanging out on his front porch one day, three men show up at his doorstep

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Love is a Garden

Last summer, we planted a small garden in our back yard. We did some of the standard garden stuff: tomatoes, green onions, a few different herbs. As we were strolling through Home Depot grabbing seed packets, I came across another plant I wanted to try out. Cantaloupes.

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It’s spring time in Georgia, which means thunderstorms.

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Playing the Blame Game

Genesis 3 is a pretty well-known passage. It’s the fall of man. Adam and Eve ate of the fruit (which is always for some reason an apple) of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. As soon as they ate the fruit, their eyes were opened, and they realized that they were naked. Naked. Exposed. Nowhere to hide.

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The Importance of the Sabbath

Every summer, the same thing. It was like this release that the end of the school year brought, and all I could do was rest.

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Imposter Syndrome

Life is nothing more than a process of failing and learning and applying and then failing at the next thing.

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