A Response to Persepolis

I recently read through the graphic novel Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi. The book is a coming-of-age novel about an Iranian girl growing up in the midst of war and revolution.

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Invictus: We Can Overcome

I think this is something that most people can really connect to. Life is tough and it beats us down, but we are able to continue forward, sometimes struggling just to move an inch but nevertheless moving forward.

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4 Reasons You Should Read (or Re-read) X-Men: Age of Apocalypse

X-Men has long been my favorite Marvel franchise. It probably stems back to my days of watching the animated cartoon on Saturday mornings. Like Darth Vader to Star Wars and Thanos to the MCU, Apocalypse has been such an iconic villain in the X-Men world that the idea of the Age of Apocalypse (AoA) arc instantly drew me in.

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Learning from Failure: Lessons from Endgame

One of the big moves in education recently has been the idea of growth mindset, the idea that failure is not a bad thing when we learn from it.  As I watched Avengers: Endgame, I couldn’t help but notice how this same idea was prevalent throughout the film.

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Spiritual Connections in Avengers: Endgame

Stories, regardless of whether they’re told on paper or on screen, often contain a wealth of literary value. Stories connects us to larger, universal truths. They also connect with us on many different levels, through many different lenses. While it can be viewed through many different lenses, Today I’m looking about the spiritual connections that we can make in Avengers: Endgame. While the Avengers, and the larger MCU, are not in any way faith related, there are still larger archetypal connections that can be made.

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What do Dumbledore and Dr. Strange have in common?

If you’ve read or seen enough stories, you start to notice similarities between stories. Characters, plots, settings, and so on. After going through several viewing experiences, I’ve come to the conclusion that Albus Dumbledore from the Harry Potter series and Dr. Strange from the MCU are, in fact, the same character.

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The Daily Grind: The Self-Sacrifice of Tony Stark

Tony Stark’s storyline reminds us that it’s not the one single moment that matters. It’s the constant grind of everyday that shows who we really are.

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Never Give Up: Captain America's Relentless Nature

Cap’s story is a little different from the others in Endgame since he’s already had to deal with dramatic loss. Throughout his story, Captain America is constantly reminded of everything he’s lost and the need to continue moving forward.

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Learning to Deal with Failure in a Positive Way: Thor's Character Journey

In the last post, we looked at how Hulk had to come to grips with his own perception of himself. Today, we move on to Thor and how everyone should learn how to cope with failure in a positive manner.

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Accepting Who We Are: The Hulk Comes Full Circle

The constant struggle between brains and brawn lie at the center of the Hulk’s character development. But it’s not just the character’s development. Hulk helps us see how to accept the fullness of ourselves.

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Thanos is the hero nobody wants, but the universe needs

While he is the villain of the latest Avengers film, Thanos shows classic signs of an archetypal hero.

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Avengers: Infinity War and Its Portrayal of Love and Sacrifice

Avengers: Infinity War is more than just action movie. It explores the relationship between love and sacrifice and the dilemma that can often come between the two.

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The Untapped Potential of Kylo Ren

In this blog series on Star Wars: The Force Awakens, I take a look at literary aspects of the film such as plot, characterization, and themes. This post takes a look at Kylo Ren, a character I think could end up one of the most formidable foes of the Star Wars galaxy.

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There's More Under That Helmet: Characterization in Star Wars: The Force Awakens

In this blog series on Star Wars: The Force Awakens, I take a look at literary aspects of the film such as plot, characterization, and themes. This post takes a look at Finn, another newcomer who brings a new type of character into the Star Wars story.

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Finally, A Female Jedi Lead

In this blog series on Star Wars: The Force Awakens, I take a look at literary aspects of the film such as plot, characterization, and themes. Today, I take a look at Rey and the nuance she brings to the Jedi protagonist role.

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My Thoughts on The Force Awakens: Storyline (Part 4 - Fathers and Sons)

In this blog series on Star Wars: The Force Awakens, I take a look at literary aspects of the film such as plot, characterization, and themes.

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My Thoughts on The Force Awakens: Storyline (Part 3 - Massive Weaponry)

In this blog series on Star Wars: The Force Awakens, I take a look at literary aspects of the film such as plot, characterization, and themes.

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My Thoughts on The Force Awakens: Storyline (Part 2 - Mythical Heroes)

In this blog series on Star Wars: The Force Awakens, I take a look at literary aspects of the film such as plot, characterization, and themes.

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My Thoughts on The Force Awakens: Storyline (Part 1 - Desert Orphans)

In this blog series on Star Wars: The Force Awakens, I take a look at literary aspects of the film such as plot, characterization, and themes.

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