The Daily Grind: The Self-Sacrifice of Tony Stark

Tony Stark’s storyline reminds us that it’s not the one single moment that matters. It’s the constant grind of everyday that shows who we really are.

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Never Give Up: Captain America's Relentless Nature

Cap’s story is a little different from the others in Endgame since he’s already had to deal with dramatic loss. Throughout his story, Captain America is constantly reminded of everything he’s lost and the need to continue moving forward.

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Learning to Deal with Failure in a Positive Way: Thor's Character Journey

In the last post, we looked at how Hulk had to come to grips with his own perception of himself. Today, we move on to Thor and how everyone should learn how to cope with failure in a positive manner.

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The Untapped Potential of Kylo Ren

In this blog series on Star Wars: The Force Awakens, I take a look at literary aspects of the film such as plot, characterization, and themes. This post takes a look at Kylo Ren, a character I think could end up one of the most formidable foes of the Star Wars galaxy.

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Finally, A Female Jedi Lead

In this blog series on Star Wars: The Force Awakens, I take a look at literary aspects of the film such as plot, characterization, and themes. Today, I take a look at Rey and the nuance she brings to the Jedi protagonist role.

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The Tragic Life of Anakin Skywalker

Darth Vader is arguably the most fearsome villain in science fiction. However, a look at the journey of Anakin Skywalker reveals more than just a menacing for.

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