What do Dumbledore and Dr. Strange have in common?

If you’ve read or seen enough stories, you start to notice similarities between stories. Characters, plots, settings, and so on. After going through several viewing experiences, I’ve come to the conclusion that Albus Dumbledore from the Harry Potter series and Dr. Strange from the MCU are, in fact, the same character. No, I don’t mean that they are the exact same person, but the same archetype. They don’t just fill the role of the Mentor/Sorcerer archetype; they add another wrinkle to the role. Be forewarned: there are very much spoilers to both franchises in this.

Both are the greatest wizards of their time

Dumbledore is clearly the greatest wizard in the wizarding world of Harry Potter. It’s not just that he’s the headmaster of Hogwarts either. Dumbledore has achieved many great things that set him apart from the rest of the wizarding world. He’s got more titles after his name than anyone. Order of Merlin First Class for Grand Sorcerer, Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards, Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, and so on. He helped Nicolas Flamel create the Elixir of Life. He’s even got his own Chocolate Frog card fro crying out loud. He’s well accomplished and highly revered by pretty much everyone in the wizarding world. Even Voldemort doesn’t want to cross wands with Dumbledore.

Dr. Strange, on the other hand, is the most accomplished sorcerer in his own right. When Strange first arrives at Kamar-Taj, he struggles to master the Sling Rings, but after being left on Mt. Everest by himself, he is forced to overcome his failure and masters it. After that, Strange gains access to the library and studies everything he can about the mystic arts, quickly surpassing most of the monks in the temple. He is even able to open the Eye of Agamotto and use the Time Stone, something no one else has yet accomplished. Later on, in Endgame when Bruce Banner meets The Ancient, she tells him that Strange was always meant to be the best of them, something she knows before she’s even actually met him.

It’s not just their accomplishments and abilities that makes them the best. Dumbledore and Strange both hold the highest respect of those in their world.

Both possess the most powerful weapon in their world

Dumbledore clearly possesses the most powerful weapon in the wizarding world, the Elder Wand. Although it’s not revealed until well into the final book of the Harry Potter series, Dumbledore has always commanded the fable Elder Wand, created by Death himself after being beaten by the Three Brothers.

Dr. Strange possesses the Time Stone, which can be argued to be the most powerful of the Infinity Stones. While all six stones have supreme power over various domains, the Time Stone supersedes the rest. Sure, physical power, the manipulation of space, the ability to alter reality are extremely powerful, but they all fail in the shadow of time. Why? Each of those is bound by time itself, as is evident in Infinity War when Thanos reverses time after the Mind Stone is destroyed in order to retrieve it. By this logic, Strange has always had possession of the most powerful weapon in the entire universe.

Both of them are hesitant to use their power

While Dumbledore and Dr. Strange both possess the most powerful weapon in their respective worlds, they are both hesitant to use said weapons. Dumbledore rarely uses his wand, and in most cases, only for defensive purposes. The only time we really see him using in offensively is in his brief battle with Voldemort in the Ministry of Magic and when he has to fight off the Inferi.

Likewise, Strange rarely, if ever, uses the Time Stone. In fact, the only time he actively uses it is in the battle with Dormamu when he locks the entity inside a time loop. Even when fighting Thanos, Strange refuses to even open up the Eye of Agamotto.

Both have an intimate knowledge of future events and the sacrifice that will be required and hold onto that information as long as possible

Dumbledore understands the reality of who Harry is and what be required of him. Throughout the Harry Potter series, Dumbledore has a hunch that Harry is a last horcrux that Voldemort didn’t mean to create. Dumbledore suspects Harry’s connection to Voldemort early in the series, and catches more evidence as the series progresses. It’s not until the last moment that Dumbledore reveals to Harry that he is the final horcrux and must die in order to defeat Voldemort once and for all.

In a similar fashion, Dr. Strange sees the necessity of Tony Stark’s sacrifice but doesn’t say anything. In Infinity War, Strange uses the Time Stone to look through more than 14 million possible futures, or which only one shows Thanos’s defeat. He, however, keeps the information to himself. Even in Endgame, when Stark asks if it’s the one where they win, Strange won’t tell him, claiming that telling him would change the outcome of the plan. It’s not until just before Tony considers sacrificing himself that Strange offers a single finger, letting Tony know that what he’s thinking is the 1 path.

So why hold onto the information? Dumbledore is reprimanded by Snape (of all people) for leading Harry like a lamb to slaughter. Strange refuses to tell anyone else information about the one chance to win. The answer is simple. They had to. Harry is far too young when Dumbledore suspects the truth to reveal the truth to him. Thirteen-year-old Harry would be way too young and inexperienced to be able to handle it. Strange’s is even simpler. If he reveals the truth to anyone else, it alters the timeline and sends them down the path to defeat.

The interesting thing about these two characters is the internal struggle that has to be going on inside their heads. They’re carrying the weight of the world (and the fate of it) on their shoulders, and they have no one to confide in to share the load. Yes, they know the ultimate outcome is positive, but they are sending someone to their inevitable death, which can’t be easy to bear. They are wizards, sages, mentors, but they take it to another level.

Did I miss anything? What do you think? Comment below.
