Spiritual Connections in Avengers: Endgame

Stories, regardless of whether they’re told on paper or on screen, often contain a wealth of literary value. Stories connects us to larger, universal truths. They also connect with us on many different levels, through many different lenses. While it can be viewed through many different lenses, Today I’m looking about the spiritual connections that we can make in Avengers: Endgame. While the Avengers, and the larger MCU, are not in any way faith related, there are still larger archetypal connections that can be made.

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Thanos is the hero nobody wants, but the universe needs

While he is the villain of the latest Avengers film, Thanos shows classic signs of an archetypal hero.

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Avengers: Infinity War and Its Portrayal of Love and Sacrifice

Avengers: Infinity War is more than just action movie. It explores the relationship between love and sacrifice and the dilemma that can often come between the two.

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