My Writing Journey - How I Started Writing

Every journey starts somewhere. My writing journey is no different. It wasn't pretty, but took me to a great place.

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Writing Wednesdays: Page 5

I joined a writing group, and we do new prompts every Wednesday, so those will be some new upcoming posts. This past week's prompt was using the first sentence on page 5 of the nearest book. Mine came from Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, which, by the way, is a wonderful book that is being adapted to film.

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Writing Exercise - Names Exercise

This is a writing exercise from the 3 a.m. Epiphany book. I took only words created out of the letters of my wife's name and came up with a short scene. It was tough, to say the least.

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Soundtracking a Scene: How Music Impacts my Writing

One key to creating memorable scenes and stories and connecting emotionally. I like to use music to soundtrack my scenes.

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