Remembering God (July 14 Devotional)

Scripture Meditation

Then Noah built an altar to the Lord and took some of every clean animal and some of every clean bird and offered burnt offerings on the altar.

Genesis 8:20

Today’s Thought

Noah spent around a year on the ark before the flood waters receded and he was able to step out on dry land once again. His first act upon exiting the ark was to build an altar to God. Noah sacrificed to God as an act of worship, but this was also a tangible reminder to Noah of what God had done. Any time Noah caught sight of this altar would remind him of the salvation God brought to him and his family. It wasn’t just a one-time act of worship, but a constant reminder to worship God.

It’s easy for us to forget things that God has done for us. Leaving things up to our abstract memories alone can make it easy to forget. Having physical reminders of specific events will always trigger that memory and ideally lead to more worship. What physical objects do you have to remind you of the things God has done for you?


Father, thank you for the blessings you’ve given me and the salvation you’ve brought to me. Help me to always remember the things you’ve done for me.
