One Step at A Time (July 16 Devotional)

Scripture Meditation

These are the clans of the sons of Noah, according to their genealogies, in their nations, and from these the nations spread abroad on the earth after the flood.

Genesis 10:32

Today’s Thought

Recovering from a devestating event can seem utterly hopeless. From losing loved ones and personal tragedies to things like mass shootings, pandemics, and war-torn cities, it can all feel like we’ll never get through it and return to normal. The reality is, it doesn’t go back to normal, but that doesn’t me we can’t get through it.

After God flooded the earth, Noah was left to deal with the aftermath of the destruction of everything on earth. It was just him and his family. That seems like a pretty impossible thing to deal with. And yet, out of three sons came families, clans, and nations all the way to the 8 billion we have today. God pointed Noah in the right direction, and it was Noah’s job to take the next step and then the next and then the next.

It’s like walking into a room that is a chaotic mess. The whole looks like an impossible mess to clean, but by picking up one thing at a time, you can eventually get there. We don’t have to know where the path will end, we just have to take the next step and trust God to give us the directions along the way.


Father, help me to trust in you when things seem impossible. Reassure me that you are pointing me in the right direction.
