Soarin' through the Air

As parents, we want to keep our children safe. We want them to stay pure and not be ruined by the world. But sometimes that can actually be a hindrance to them as they grow up.

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The Fear of Failure

The weather finally warmed up enough to for us to get outside, so my daughter decided she wanted to ride her bike. She has one of those glider bikes that doesn’t have pedals and just teaches children how to balance. It’s fun, but a little scary.

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A Father's Presence

This week, my daughter’s ballet studio had Daddy-Daughter night for Valentine’s Day, so I took my little dancer to ballet, just the two of us.

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A Lesson My Daughter Taught Me about Forgiveness

I think it's my job to teach my daughter how to live life, but it almost seems like she daily teaches me how to live. Recently, she taught me a little about forgiveness.

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Pitching a Fit

My daughter has learned the not-so-subtle art of pitching a fit when she doesn't get her way. We're not too different when it comes to our relationship with God.

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Easter from a Father's Point of View

Easter from a father's perspective really threw me for a loop.

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That "Oh Crap" Moment

When my wife first told me she was pregnant, I thought, "I'm going to be a father!" I was excited. A new adventure in life. Then it hit me. "I'm going to be a father. Oh crap!"

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