The Weight of Debt

Debt can pile up quickly, and each time that debt gets a little bit bigger and a little bit bigger, it seems like the weight on your shoulders gets a little bit heavier and a little bit heavier.

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Playing the Blame Game

Genesis 3 is a pretty well-known passage. It’s the fall of man. Adam and Eve ate of the fruit (which is always for some reason an apple) of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. As soon as they ate the fruit, their eyes were opened, and they realized that they were naked. Naked. Exposed. Nowhere to hide.

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As White as Snow

Looking at a freshly fallen, undefiled snowy landscape is one of my favorite joys in life, and just recently it's also given me a deepen insight into forgiveness.

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Too Little, Too Insignificant, Too Perfect

If you ever feel too insignificant to do anything great, just look to the story of Jesus's birth.

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Peace in the Midst of Turmoil (Advent Part 4)

In the midst of all the stress of the Christmas season, it's easy to forget Peace on Earth.

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Hope: Living in Anticipation (Advent Part 1)

Advent is a season that leads us up to the birth of Christ. It helps us focus on the important parts of this time of year. In part 1 of this series, we take a look at the first Sunday of Advent, which is all about hope.

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The Celebration of Victory over Death

Easter is all about our victory over death. Today we celebrate that the battle already been won.

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New Year, New Life, New Creation

We like to make resolutions to better our lives on January 1, but often we fail. The same is true in our spiritual lives, but we don't have to give up.

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Easter from a Father's Point of View

Easter from a father's perspective really threw me for a loop.

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