The Fear of Failure

The weather finally warmed up enough to for us to get outside, so my daughter decided she wanted to ride her bike. She has one of those glider bikes that doesn’t have pedals and just teaches children how to balance. It’s fun, but a little scary.

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Hold Fast to Dreams

We all love when when get inspired to achieve a new dream in life, but what happens when that dream becomes a chore?

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A Lamp to My Feet

Life is scary, and it can get scarier when you don’t know what’s ahead. Thankfully, we have a way to guide us on our path.

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Escaping the Dark Wood of Error

What happens when we’ve strayed so far that we can’t see the path anymore? Dante gives us a little insight in the first canto of his masterpiece, The Inferno.

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Why do I get so emotional about sports?

I love sports, but sometimes I get carried away. Why? What is it about sports that gets me so worked up?

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Generosity and Compassion

We often get angry with people who don’t see the same way we do. If we can begin to see through someone else’s eyes, though, we gain more understanding of generosity and compassion.

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Getting Rid of a Hardened Heart

The problem that Pharaoh had in Exodus was not that his heart was hardened. It was his response to it.

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The Meaning of Worship: For the Glory of God

Creating an art piece for my daughter really helped me understand what it really means to do something with a true attitude of worship

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Racism Exists and It's Not Okay

Whether you believe it exists or not, racism is a thing in America, and we should do everything we can to change the culture and atmosphere.

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Jump Off that Cliff

I remember standing at the top and looking down a long way. In that moment, fear had me in its clutches.

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The Importance of Rest

Rest and relaxation is not something we should do when we have the time. It's a necessity in life.

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Being a Good Steward of Your Skills

We all have special gifts and talents that we were born with. We may not realize it, but they're there. We can't let them go unused.

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Too Little, Too Insignificant, Too Perfect

If you ever feel too insignificant to do anything great, just look to the story of Jesus's birth.

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Peace in the Midst of Turmoil (Advent Part 4)

In the midst of all the stress of the Christmas season, it's easy to forget Peace on Earth.

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Joy Beyond Happiness (Advent Part 3)

In part 3 of the Advent series, we take a look at joy and what it really means.

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Love Unconditional (Advent Part 2)

Week 2 of Advent looks at love. Many people have never truly experienced unconditional love, but it is available through Jesus.

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Dealing with Depression and Anxiety

This was not easy for me to write about. I had to swallow my pride and admit a struggle that I've dealt with for easily more than a decade.

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Do Not Let Fear and Hate Win

This was a difficult one to compose. With all the turmoil going on in our country, and the world, we can't give in to fear, anger, and hatred.

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The Beauty of the Quiet of the Morning

I don't have an easy time with early mornings. Yet, there is a beauty of a spiritual and creative nature that I just can't ignore.

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The Celebration of Victory over Death

Easter is all about our victory over death. Today we celebrate that the battle already been won.

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