Why Am I So Weak?

There's a reason why we, as humans, are weak and frail creatures. It's to teach us a lesson.

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Getting Rid of a Hardened Heart

The problem that Pharaoh had in Exodus was not that his heart was hardened. It was his response to it.

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As White as Snow

Looking at a freshly fallen, undefiled snowy landscape is one of my favorite joys in life, and just recently it's also given me a deepen insight into forgiveness.

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The Meaning of Worship: For the Glory of God

Creating an art piece for my daughter really helped me understand what it really means to do something with a true attitude of worship

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Lessons from Saul

Saul was Israel's first king, but if we take a closer look, he's not the best example of the type of leader that Israel needed.

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The Significance of Sacrifice

Relationships require sacrifice. And sacrifice can only mean something when it costs us something.

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Love Unconditional (Advent Part 2)

Week 2 of Advent looks at love. Many people have never truly experienced unconditional love, but it is available through Jesus.

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Hope: Living in Anticipation (Advent Part 1)

Advent is a season that leads us up to the birth of Christ. It helps us focus on the important parts of this time of year. In part 1 of this series, we take a look at the first Sunday of Advent, which is all about hope.

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A Story of True Devotion: The 47 Ronin

I love the story of the 47 Ronin from Japanese folk tales. It's a wonderful example of what it means to be truly devoted to a master.

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A Lesson My Daughter Taught Me about Forgiveness

I think it's my job to teach my daughter how to live life, but it almost seems like she daily teaches me how to live. Recently, she taught me a little about forgiveness.

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The Celebration of Victory over Death

Easter is all about our victory over death. Today we celebrate that the battle already been won.

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New Year, New Life, New Creation

We like to make resolutions to better our lives on January 1, but often we fail. The same is true in our spiritual lives, but we don't have to give up.

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Pitching a Fit

My daughter has learned the not-so-subtle art of pitching a fit when she doesn't get her way. We're not too different when it comes to our relationship with God.

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Purge the Evil

The book of Deuteronomy can seem pretty boring, but one phrase continues to show up throughout the book and carries significance with it.

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The God of Second Chances


He was supposed to go east. He was supposed to go to the largest city of the greatest empire and tell them that they were living the wrong way. He was supposed to be God’s mouthpiece to a depraved city.

But he didn’t.

Instead, he hopped on a ship and sailed the opposite way. He fled from his calling, but that was only the beginning of his story. A huge storm appeared and threatened to sink the ship, and it was his fault. So the crew threw him overboard, and then a giant fish swallowed him, took him back east, and threw him up onto the land.

The story of Jonah is familiar to a lot of Christians. We all know about the big fish that swallowed Jonah and swam him across the sea. We’ve all probably tried to image what it would actually be like to sit in the dark stomach of a fish for three days, thinking about how gross that would be. We know that Jonah did eventually go to Nineveh and preach the the Assyrians there, and they did repent and turn to God.

What we don’t often pay attention to is Jonah himself. Jonah was a prophet, an Old Testament man of God. His job was to do the will of God, and he didn’t. God comes to Jonah in chapter 1 and says, “Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and call out against it, for their evil has come up before me.” Instead of doing what he’s supposed to, he runs away.

As Christians, how many times have we done the same? We profess to be followers of Christ, but when he asks us to share the Gospel with someone else, we tuck our tails and run the opposite way. We’re all guilty of this in one way or another, and there are several reasons for why we do this. We’re afraid of being rejected, or maybe being ridiculed. We don’t think they will listen. We don’t know what to say. We don’t know all the answers. There are plenty of reasons we come up with to not do this.

We may be tempted to think Jonah was afraid the king would kill him or something, but if we look at chapter 4, we see the truth behind Jonah’s rebellion. When he finally goes to Nineveh, we see that he was angry that Nineveh repented. He even gets angry with God: “Is this not what I said when I was yet in my country? That is why I made haste to flee to Tarshish; for I knew that you are a gracious God and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love, and relenting from disaster.”

The real reason that Jonah is mad is because he doesn’t think that the people of Nineveh deserve to hear about God. He has a bit of a perception problem. Think about it. The Assyrians have come in, taken over Israel, and carted most of them off into captivity. Certainly there are some bitter feelings toward the Assyrians on Jonah’s part.

But how many us would be any different from Jonah?

There’s a second part to the Jonah story, though. The fish vomits him up onto land, and God says, “Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and call out against it the message that I tell you.”

Notice anything?

Jonah is in the exact same place he was in chapter 1. Notice that God doesn’t say anything to Jonah about running away. He doesn’t reprimand Jonah for disobeying. He simply restates his request to Jonah.

There’s a worship band that I love, Rend Collective. They have a song on one of their albums called “Second Chance”, and the last line of the chorus is, “a second chance is heaven’s heart.”

God is a God of second chances. He doesn’t hold our failures over us. He doesn’t fling down a lightning bolt to smite us. Even in the Old Testament, where God is supposedly a God of vengeance and wrath, we see this kind of love. Jonah got his second chance. Nineveh got their second chance. We all get our second chance.

We may fail. We may stumble. We may rebel. But God is always there to help us back up. Every new day is a second chance for us.

Next time you think someone deserves a punishment or that “evil” people deserve to die, just remember that we all deserve that. If God is willing to give us a second chance, shouldn’t we do likewise to others?


Careless Words


Recently, a woman from East Point, GA was arrested for something she posted online. On Facebook, she posted a status threatening cops nationwide. Race issues aside, this scenario reveals a pretty common issue that social media has brought to our culture—the abuse and misunderstanding of the first amendment.

As a high school teacher, I’m very familiar with this attitude. I hear students all the time saying degrading things to others and justifying it with, “I’ve got the freedom of speech.” They don’t understand why they get in trouble for their rude comments. What they, and apparently many others, don’t understand is that freedom of speech is limited when it interferes with someone else’s personal freedoms. You can’t just go around making threats and not expect repercussions.

As Christians, however, we are held to an even higher standard of living. Jesus says in Matthew 12:36,37, “I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”


We will give account for every careless word we speak?

Every careless word.

That seems a bit harsh, doesn’t it?

That’s talking about a lot more than threatening someone else. But what does Jesus mean by careless words?

Like many other issues that Jesus teaches about, it all has to do with the heart. A few chapters later in Matthew 15, Jesus says, “what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person.” In chapter 5, he says, “But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever says, ‘You fool!’ will be liable to the hell of fire.”

The problem we tend to have with this issue of careless words is that we focus on the words, not the heart. We put taboos on certain words in our culture but fail to acknowledge the intentions behind the words. Most of our taboo words originally had normal meanings and connotations. At some point, though, they became taboo because they were connected to derogatory meanings.

The same is true of Jesus’s statement. The original Aramaic phrase raca, translated as “You fool!” in our translations, is a derogatory phrase. What Jesus reveals here is that it’s the intention behind those words that is sinful. It’s the same as when he says that a man who looks at a woman has committed adultery. Once you’ve committed it in your heart, you may as well have followed through with it because it’s all sinful.

We have to be careful about the things we say to other people. It’s not just about four-letter words that we utter; it’s a deeper issue, an issue of the heart. Saying derogatory things to others is not just an anger issue, it’s a pride issue. When we degrade people, we are essentially saying that we are better than them. If we’re talking like this, then we aren’t uttering the godly things we should be. We are conceited rather than loving.

As James poses, “Does a spring pour forth from the same opening both fresh and salt water?” You either have one or the other, but you can’t have both. You’re either offering uplifting words or derogatory words.You’re either known for being an encouraging person or a jerk. And as we’ve seen from Jesus, derogatory words reveal a deeper sin issue.

I have to admit that I’m often guilty of careless words. Not necessarily the four-letter words either. Others words, like “stupid” and “idiot” and the like. I have said things to others in moments of anger that still hurt years later. I’ve carelessly thrown around degrading phrases, often times under the guise of a jest.

Yet, we constantly justify this kind of talk by making the excuses that they aren’t cuss words or that we were only joking. But we’re called to a higher level of living. One that goes beyond the mere following of rules, one that follows the rules of grace, one which Paul clarifies in Ephesians 4 when he tells us, “Let no corrupting talk come our of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.”

We should be building up others, not tearing them down, believers and non-believers alike. And that’s not always easy to do. People are fallible. They make mistakes. They hurt us. They wrong us. Intentionally and unintentionally. And we often hang onto those feelings and wait for the perfect moment to strike back. But just a couple of verses later, Paul encourages us, “Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”

It’s not enough to simply not say the few words our culture considers taboo. We have to rid ourselves of the sinful intentions inside our hearts. Otherwise, they begin to take root and poison our lives. We have to dig those roots out and get rid of them.

Maybe you’re in that same boat. Maybe you say things that you end up regretting later because of the effect it has on others. If that’s the case, don’t try to just clean up your tongue. Dig deeper down and find whatever bitterness or anger or hurt that is the real cause of it. Get rid of that and the tongue will then tame itself.

I Give Up: What It Means to Be a Living Sacrifice

In my early 20s, I underwent an identity crisis, like many young 20-somethings tend to do. I was just out of college, alone, and without a clue about what I was doing with my life. I entered into a career I had spent four years studying yet felt completely out of my depth. I felt completely lost, and that lost feeling seeped into my faith.

It’s difficult to describe what was going through my head, but I felt like everything that I thought was faith was nothing more than a cheap imitation. Worship was just a thing I did on Sunday morning because I was supposed to. I felt empty, like I had been living a lie up to that point, just going through the motions. In reality, that's pretty much what I was doing. Looking back, I see that it was really a maturation of my faith.

Essentially, what I realized was that I was right. My faith was a cheap imitation. I had effectively been imitating the faith of others that I knew. Much like a young boy imitating the actions of his father, I watched the people I considered spiritually mature and simply imitated what they were doing. While there’s is nothing inherently wrong with this initially, at some point faith has to grow. It has to become your own. The author of Hebrews explains it perfectly:

“for everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, since he is a child. But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil (Hebrews 5:13,14 ESV).”

Milk is good for infants, but at some point, a child has to stop living off of milk and move on to solid food. The child needs something more that will provide the sustenance it needs to live. We would laugh at an adult who only drank milk. We would cook him a steak and tell him that he needed some real food.

In the same way, we cannot merely imitate the faith of others. It’s only a starting point. New believers need mature folks to show them how faith works. But just like learning anything else, there comes a time when we have to let go of the people we cling so tightly to and make a go for it on our own. Daddy has to let go of the bicycle sometime.

And that’s the point I reached one night while lying in bed. I had come to a breaking point and was ready to give up. I was tired of what I considered the "politics" of Christianity. And I was done with it.

“I can’t do this anymore. I give up. If this is what it means to be a Christian, then I’m out.” I vividly remember having this argument with God at 2 o’clock in the morning, and I was literally screaming at the darkness.

It turns out that this became one of the rare times when I felt like I heard God audibly talking to me. Maybe audibly isn’t the best way to describe it. It was more like a crystal clear thought in my head, but it wasn’t my voice. And it was a simple answer.

“You’re right. That’s not what it’s about. It’s about you and me.”

It wasn’t about what I was doing. It wasn’t about who I was imitating. It wasn’t about whether or not I looked like a Christian. It wasn’t about ministry plans, preaching calendars, or the next youth event.

It’s all about the vertical relationship between God and me. Everything else follows naturally.

Once that thought struck and sunk in, everything changed for the better. I stopped trying so hard, and I encountered a completely new way of life: worship.

Ask anyone today what worship is, and most people will respond something connected to singing songs at the beginning of a church service. This is a gross misunderstanding of the idea of worship.

So what is worship? In the first verse of Romans 12, Paul tells us to “offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.”

Living sacrifices.

That’s worship. But what does that even mean? Isn’t a sacrifice something you kill? And I thought we weren’t under the Old Testament law anymore.

We have to keep reading through Romans 12 to find the answer. “For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another (Romans 12:4,5 ESV).”

To be a living sacrifice means that we give up who we are for the body of Christ. It means that we have to die to ourselves, to our desires, to our selfishness, to our personal agendas. Instead, we take who we are and give it up for God, in order that he may use us for his purposes.

One of my favorites truths of life and God and faith that I’ve come across is this idea of worshipping as a living sacrifice. When I stumbled across this truth, I realized that God made me who I am for a reason. Then I realized that God wouldn’t create people who couldn’t worship him in the way they were created. He made me to love music and art and nature, and so those are the ways that I end up worshipping him best.

Paul expounds on that thought about one body and many members in 1 Corinthians. The foot can’t say it doesn’t belong to the body because it’s not a hand. The ear can’t say, “I’m worthless because I’m not an eye." Likewise, the eye can’t say to the ear, “You’re worthless and unnecessary because you aren't an eye.” Everyone has their own role to play and their own personality to go along with it.

That’s the beauty of God’s creation. Everyone can worship him in any number ways. Scientific people can worship him through science and logic. Creative people can worship him through creating. Talkative people can worship him through talking. Logical people worship him through the logic of his creation while experiential people worship him through the simple experience of his creation.

That’s why we can’t completely worship God through imitation. When we try to do that, we worship in a way that isn’t made for us. A Lee-shaped piece can only fit in a Lee-shaped hole. Anything else is uncomfortable and doesn’t fit right.

I have a tattoo that I got shortly after my night in utter darkness. I got it to remind me of that night. It's just one simple Hebrew word that means "surrender", or "give up" in my terminology. It's a constant reminder for me to give up myself in all that I do for the glory of God, which is my act of worship.

So what is worship? Much of it is dependent upon the individual, but for each one of us, worship is offering the person we are for God. Being who we are for the glory of God, that’s worship. Whether it’s through song or story or athletics or landscaping or mechanics or computer science. Worship God as your own individual living sacrifice.


Easter from a Father's Point of View

Easter from a father's perspective really threw me for a loop.

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