Working through the Silence (A Christmas Reflection)

It seems that no matter how hard I try, I always end up in times of silence. It's like my brain knows what to do, but none of it really connects to the rest of my body. I work hard to connect to God, but it all feels empty and pointless. It doesn’t seem like He’s there because I don’t get any responses.

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What does it mean to live in abundance?

The Bible is very clear that God wants us to have abundant life, but what does that mean?

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A Lesson in Patience

We live in a very impatient society. With free two-day shipping and instant streaming, we have a hard time waiting for anything. If there’s anything that knows a thing about waiting, it was Joseph.

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Listening to God

What happens when what you think will happen doesn’t? Abraham had been promised since he was 75 years old that his descendants would have the land of Canaan. Yet, here he was in his mid-80s with no child.

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Is Anything Too Hard for the Lord?

Genesis 18 tells an interesting story of God coming down to visit Abraham. While Abraham’s hanging out on his front porch one day, three men show up at his doorstep

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Love is a Garden

Last summer, we planted a small garden in our back yard. We did some of the standard garden stuff: tomatoes, green onions, a few different herbs. As we were strolling through Home Depot grabbing seed packets, I came across another plant I wanted to try out. Cantaloupes.

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It’s spring time in Georgia, which means thunderstorms.

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Keeping Faith

The idea of holiness is a simple one, but it’s a tough one. To be holy means to be separate from evil. Sacred. Pure. Clean. To be holy means to keep yourself from evil and evil intentions.

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Playing the Blame Game

Genesis 3 is a pretty well-known passage. It’s the fall of man. Adam and Eve ate of the fruit (which is always for some reason an apple) of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. As soon as they ate the fruit, their eyes were opened, and they realized that they were naked. Naked. Exposed. Nowhere to hide.

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The Importance of the Sabbath

Every summer, the same thing. It was like this release that the end of the school year brought, and all I could do was rest.

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Imposter Syndrome

Life is nothing more than a process of failing and learning and applying and then failing at the next thing.

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Making Something out of Nothing

Their plans have been ruined and now they’re back at camp, licking their wounds, when God comes up with another plan.

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Soarin' through the Air

As parents, we want to keep our children safe. We want them to stay pure and not be ruined by the world. But sometimes that can actually be a hindrance to them as they grow up.

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Human Wisdom vs. Godly Wisdom

Recently, I posted amount Achan’s sin and issues with the attack on Ai, but there’s more to the story of Ai than just Achan’s sin. There was another problem.

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The Fear of Failure

The weather finally warmed up enough to for us to get outside, so my daughter decided she wanted to ride her bike. She has one of those glider bikes that doesn’t have pedals and just teaches children how to balance. It’s fun, but a little scary.

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Ours Sins Affect Others

They had done it. It was a miracle. A miracle no one had seen before. All they did was march around the city walls for seven days. On the seventh day, they circled seven times and then blew their trumpets. The walls fell, and the city was theirs. 

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A Father's Presence

This week, my daughter’s ballet studio had Daddy-Daughter night for Valentine’s Day, so I took my little dancer to ballet, just the two of us.

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Cleaning Out Your Camp: Reconnecting with God

In the book of Joshua, the Israelites begin to move into the Promised Land to receive what God promised to Abraham hundred of years earlier. They start their conquest with an impressive victory at Jericho, where God brings down the walls of one of the most heavily fortified cities around. After Jericho, they set their sights on to the city of Ai, a much smaller city that should have been an easy victory. However, the people of Ai hold strong and send the Israelites into a retreat, losing 36 of their men in the process.

What gives? Why did God abandon them?

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Hold Fast to Dreams

We all love when when get inspired to achieve a new dream in life, but what happens when that dream becomes a chore?

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A Lamp to My Feet

Life is scary, and it can get scarier when you don’t know what’s ahead. Thankfully, we have a way to guide us on our path.

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